Western New York Oldsmobile Club Classifieds
Welcome to the W.NY. OLDSmobile Club Classifieds
In consideration of the acceptance of the right to place a classified ad. Discharge the WNY Oldsmobile Club, owners, directors, employees, representatives, and anyone else connected with management of this website, from any and all known damages and unknown damages, injuries or losses. Further, anyone placing an ad expressly agrees to indemnify all the foregoing resulting from any conduct stemming from the transaction of business from the ads. This shall be binding with anyone who interacts with any classified ad, undersigned, his distributes, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors, and assigns.
In consideration of the acceptance of the right to place a classified ad. Discharge the WNY Oldsmobile Club, owners, directors, employees, representatives, and anyone else connected with management of this website, from any and all known damages and unknown damages, injuries or losses. Further, anyone placing an ad expressly agrees to indemnify all the foregoing resulting from any conduct stemming from the transaction of business from the ads. This shall be binding with anyone who interacts with any classified ad, undersigned, his distributes, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors, and assigns.
As Always Buyer Beware
All ADs will be listed for 30 days. You must contact us every 30 days to continue listing
automotive and non automotive ads may be listed.
The Western New york oldsmobile club reserves the right to accept or not accept ads.
The Western New york oldsmobile club reserves the right to accept or not accept ads.
The following information is required.. for our records
First and last name
Phone number
email address
Please send to [email protected]
AD information
contact information
Photos are suggested
photos may be sent by email, image, jpeg or pdf.
Send to....
[email protected] 716-824-2368
First and last name
Phone number
email address
Please send to [email protected]
AD information
contact information
Photos are suggested
photos may be sent by email, image, jpeg or pdf.
Send to....
[email protected] 716-824-2368
WNY Oldsmobile club members, FOR SALE
WNY Oldsmobile club members, wanted
Non members, for sale
non members, wanted
WNY Oldsmobile club members, wanted
Non members, for sale
non members, wanted